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Directing Duo
film & ads


Orangetheory Fitness


ESPN x Hormel

A Pair of Plants

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Mister is the directing and creative duo made up of Miche Sieg and Rose Chirillo.

Mister’s unconventional name comes from a combination of the pair’s initials (MR) and a playful subversion of gender stereotypes in a male-dominated industry. Together, the duo has led several business-winning pitches and projects as Creative Directors in the ad world—from bubbly drinks to toilet paper to your favorite streaming platform.

Mister took what they learned from their 10-year ad career and shifted focus to directing, working with both brands and musical artists to deliver their signature style of clever absurdism. And let’s not forget their many passion projects like rug making, ceramic pants for your plants, and the creation of a penis-shaped cutting board that really bummed out their parents.

U.S. REPRESENTATION // Greenpoint Pictures

Leah Donnenberg - donnenberg@greenpointpictures.com


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Let’s Get Weird.

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